Lanzhou Traditional Herbs
wu wei xiao du wan (Honeysuckle & Chrysanthemum Extract)
for early stage of millet-like furuncle and carbuncle with hard base, fever, chills; or sores and ab..
xiang sha liu jun wan (Digestinex Extract)
for indigestion, reduced food intake with belching, distension and fullness in the epigastrium and a..
xiang sha yang wei wan (Hsiang Stomach Pill)
for abdominal fullness, no appetite, vomiting of sour saliva, adverse flow of qi and discomfort. The..
xiao chai hu (Heparex Extract)
Used for symptoms such as alternate fever and chills, fullness and choking feeling in the chest and ..
xiao huo luo dan (Circulyn Extract) 200 Pills
for severe migrating or fixed pain in the joints and bones with stiffness and a reduced range of mot..
xiao qing long tang (Blue Dragon Extract)
for fever with aversion to cold, anhidrosis, cough, dyspnea, profuse thin sputum, moist and slippery..
xiao yao wan (Relaxx Extract)
for depressed liver qi marked by hypochondriac distension and pain, dizziness, impaired appetite and..
yu dai wan (Femex Extract) 200 Pills
for leukorrhagia with yellowish and white discharges, irregular menstruation, delayed, thin blood wi..
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (Eight Flavor Rehmanni Extract)
use for menopause with hot flash and night sweat, vaginal dryness and irritation, insomnia, tirednes..
zi sheng wan (Digestin Tea Pill)
Aid Life Pill in TCM originally appeared in Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng (Standards of Patterns and Treatmen..