Herbal Formulas
ba zhen wan (Restorex Tea Pill)
use for deficiency both of qi and blood, manifested by pale complexion, dizziness, dim eye-sight, la..
ba zhen yi mu wan (Restorex Plus Extract)
use for deficiency of vital energy and blood in women with general weakness and menstrual disorders...
bai he gu jin wan (Respira Tea Pill) 200
primarily used to relieve cough, hemoptysis, and sore throat due to yin deficiency of the lung and k..
bu zhong yi qi wan (Central Teapills)
used for collapse of middle-jiao energy manifested as shortness of breath, disinclination for speech..
bu zhong yi qi wan (Invigorator Tea Pill)
used for collapse of middle-jiao energy manifested as shortness of breath, disinclination for speech..
Chuanxiong Jiao ai tang Women's Tonic Decoction
primarily used to nourish blood and stop bleeding, regulate menstruation and prevent abortion. It's ..
da bu yin wan (Norishyin Tea Pill)
use for yin deficiency manifested by afternoon fever, night sweats, cough, hemoptysis, tinnitus, and..
dang gui bu xue wan (Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract)
use for internal injury due to overexertion, deficiency of qi and blood, fever and headache due to d..
Dong Quai & Salvia Combo
useful to alleviate headache and chest pain of hypertension and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), y..
er ming zuo ci wan (Sensor Tea Extract)
used for headache, vertigo, lumbago, seminal emission, tinnitus and impairment of hearing. This modi..
er ming zuo ci wan Ear Support Teapills
used for headache, vertigo, lumbago, seminal emission, tinnitus and impairment of hearing. This modi..
fu fang dang gui pian (Dong Quai Tablet)
use for delayed menstruation, scanty menstruation, pale complexion, dizziness, dry skin, hair, and n..