Special Offers
xiao huo luo dan (Circulyn Extract) 200 Pills
for severe migrating or fixed pain in the joints and bones with stiffness and a reduced range of mot..
$6.99 $7.99
xiao yao wan (Relaxx Extract)
for depressed liver qi marked by hypochondriac distension and pain, dizziness, impaired appetite and..
$6.99 $7.99
yu dai wan (Femex Extract) 200 Pills
for leukorrhagia with yellowish and white discharges, irregular menstruation, delayed, thin blood wi..
$6.99 $7.99
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (Eight Flavor Rehmanni Extract)
use for menopause with hot flash and night sweat, vaginal dryness and irritation, insomnia, tirednes..
$6.99 $7.99
zi sheng wan (Digestin Tea Pill)
Aid Life Pill in TCM originally appeared in Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng (Standards of Patterns and Treatmen..
$6.99 $7.99