Eliminate Decoction
- Brand: Product of China
- Product Code: 1x60cps
- Reward Points: 120
- Availability: In Stock
- Price in reward points: 1200
for intestinal abscess, right lower abdominal pain, refused to be pressed, with hard lumps, prefer to put right leg in flexed posture rather than in extended posture. The classical recipe "Da Huang Mu Dan Tang" (Decoction of Rhubarb Root and Moutan Bark) in TCM is primarily used for purging away heat and removing blood stasis, dispersing pathogenic accumulation and subduing swelling, in cases of intestinal abscess at the early stage, acute appendicitis.
Product label: Eliminate Decoction
(Da Huang Mu Dan Tang)
Packing: 60 capsules per box, each capsule contains 600mg
Product of China.
Tree peony root bark
English walnut
Winter melon seed
Actions: To eliminate the stagnant heat in the intestines, to disperse lumps and reduce swelling.
Main indications: Use for intestinal abscess. The symptoms are right lower abdominal pain, refused to be pressed, with hard lumps, prefer to put right leg in flexed posture rather than in extended posture. It is applicable to acute appendicitis, acute pelvic inflammation, acute annexitis due to the accumulation of dampness and heat, with the symptoms of fever, perspiration, pain and tenderness in the right lower abdomen or with limitation of the right foot to stretch without formation of pus. Modern research has proved that this combination has the effects of relieving inflammation, existing bacteria, improving circulation, and discharging pus.*
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules each time, two times daily.
Caution: Do not use during pregnancy. Contraindicating for a weak, elderly, pregnant person with appendicitis.
* The above statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
汉语拼音:da huang mu dan tang
大黄牡丹汤出自张仲景的《金匮要略》,“疮痈肠痈浸淫病脉证并治第十八”。本方治症属于热毒蕴结于肠,气血瘀滞不通而成。方中大黄清热解毒,祛瘀通便;丹皮 凉血散瘀为君,芒消助大黄清热解毒,泻下通便为臣;桃仁、丹皮活血化瘀为佐,冬瓜仁排脓散结为使。五味合用,共奏泻热逐瘀,散结消痈之功。现代临床实 践常用于急性阑尾炎、子宫附件炎、盆腔炎、输精管结扎术后感染等属于湿热郁蒸,气血凝聚症、膀胱直肠窝脓、痛经、闭经等。